With large number of compliances with HMRC & Companies House, Year is becoming more and more complex day by day

Limited by shares company are required to follow a number of filing requirements and financial reporting regulations as set out in the Companies Act 2006. Each year, the director of your company will have to prepare financial accounts and an annual return and

Year End Accounts

Year End Accounts

deliver them to Companies House. Annual accounts and a Company Tax Return are also required for HMRC on a yearly basis.

Companies are legally required to prepare and deliver an Annual Return and statutory financial accounts to Companies House each year. If your company is trading, you must also file Company Tax Returns and full financial accounts with HMRC and pay

Corporation Tax on all taxable profits. Any profits generated by your company will be labile for 20% Corporation Tax.

An Annual Return is a document containing details about your company at a certain date – directors, shareholders, registered office address, share capital. This is used by Companies House to confirm and maintain the accuracy of their records and the information that is displayed on public record.

Annual ‘statutory’ accounts contain information about your company’s financial activity throughout the year – sales, expenditure, assets and liabilities. This must be filed with Companies House, and as part of the Company Tax Return for HMRC.

Company Tax Returns must be filed with HMRC if your company is actively trading. Your tax return will determine the amount of Corporation Tax you must pay. You must also report any significant changes to your limited company to Companies House and, in some cases, HMRC.

Fortunately we provide Accounting Services which we are sure will suit your requirement. Our experts will take care of all year end activities and compliances that need to be done with the respective authorities , without you even knowing that its a year end for your company.